Granulated active carbon cartridge Ecosoft 4,5″x10″ (CHV4510ECO)



Article: CHV4510ECO

4,400.00 L


Granulated active carbon cartridge Ecosoft 4,5″x10″ (CHV4510ECO)

Inside the filter is 100% high quality granulated activated carbon from coconut shells. The filter removes chlorine and organochlorine compounds from water, reduces the concentration of heavy and non-ferrous metals, as well as phenol, oil products and pesticides. Corrects water color and odor. The Ecosoft 4.5"x10" granular activated carbon filter has an added chlorine source - 30,000 liters. Fits other manufacturers filters with a standard size of 4.5"x10".


A family of up to 5 people living in a house or apartment.

Tiparet kryesore

Clean water without external odors

Removes chlorine, organic impurities, corrects water color and odor

The body material is pure European food grade plastic

Suitable for reverse osmosis filters of other manufacturers

Change once every 3-6 months


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