
ECOSOFT has 5 years in the Albanian market and 31 years of international experience spanning 65 countries.

Water is the most important substance in our daily life. It has an impact on our health, our economy, the environment where we live together with our children and parents.

Ecosoft takes care every day that every family has the opportunity to have clean and fresh water for drinking, cooking, washing fruits and vegetables, directly at the kitchen faucet without bins up and down; for all economic strata without distinction. Because we believe in the power of water and take care every day to preserve and improve it as it comes from nature.

Hotel and Residence

Water is a necessity in the industrial sector not only to achieve the quality of the final product expected by the end consumer and also mandatory to meet industry standards, but it also greatly affects the investment and maintenance costs of technologies.

Inadequate water quality according to the required parameters, damages processes and technologies in the industrial sector, increasing re-investment costs and placing these businesses in unfavorable economic situations.


Water is a necessity in the industrial sector not only to achieve the quality of the final product expected by the end consumer and also mandatory to meet industry standards, but it also greatly affects the investment and maintenance costs of technologies.

Inadequate water quality according to the required parameters, damages processes and technologies in the industrial sector, increasing re-investment costs and placing these businesses in unfavorable economic situations.