Official Ecosoft Store

Tiranë, Rruga Teodor Keko, Unaza e re - Astir
Autostradën Tiranë-Durrës, km 12, përballë Citypark
Autostradën Durrës-Tiranë, km 15
Durrës, përballë bustit të Azem Hajdarit
Durres tek lagja 12 ish dega ushtarake

Our Product

The latest innovative chemical technology, industrial design, technological solutions - all of this we provide within your home with maximum performance.

The best sellers

In the Kitchen

Ecosoft filters provide safe, continuous, and reliable access to drinking water in your kitchen.

Services and Support

Sending a specialist Water analysis
Device selection Replacement of cartridges

Throughout the House

The filter is installed right where the water enters your home.

Replaceable Filters

Timely maintenance is the key to clean and continuous water

Shishe termus për ujë:

E bërë nga materiali Tritan™ me cilësi të lartë që nuk përmban bisphenol A (100% pa BPA).

Harta e cilësisë së ujit në Shqipëri

Ne kemi mbledhur të dhëna që tregojnë analizën kimike të ujit në rajone të ndryshme të Shqipërisë.

Customer reviews

“E kam une dhe është fantastik. Ku paskeni qënë më parë!”


“Një bravo e madhe për ju. E kam në shpi prej 3 vitesh dhe jam i kënaqur. Personeli më njofton dhe më kujton datat për ndërrimin e filtrave që i kam falas dhe janë shumë korrekt me klientin. “

Lik Muliu !


Behind the Ecosoft Filters: Albi Erebara on the Importance of Technical Skills in Customer Service

Embracing the Change: Ajni’s Journey as the B2C Manager at Ecosoft

Using water filters in commercial units, small and large! Quality and savings!

Water filters for the Albanian family are identified only in one name, Ecosoft, because Ecosoft are the water professionals!...

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Water filters in the Ecosoft online store

The Ecosoft company develops and manufactures cleaning filters for apartments and industrial water purification systems, the work of which is based on effective and very economical materials and technologies. In 2018, we became part of the BWT (Best Water Technology) team – the world leader in water treatment, and accordingly, the company’s official representative on the market. Now in our online store you can buy water filters from world market leaders.

Solutions for the preparation of drinking water

Reverse osmosis systems, flow filters and cane filters are used to purify water to drinking level. Purified water can be safely used for drinking as well as cooking.

Contact Us

Write to us if you have questions about ECOSOFT

Frequently asked questions about Ecosoft water filters

Kompania Ecosoft është një prodhues Ukrainas i filtrave të ujit dhe pjesë e grupit ndërkombëtar BWT. Blerjen e filtrave Ecosoft mund t’i gjeni ne te gjitha showroomet tona fizike dhe online.

The Ecosoft company is a Ukrainian manufacturer of water filters and part of the BWT international group. You can be sure of the lowest prices and current discounts on original products.

The range of water purification equipment is very wide. If we consider household water filters, they are divided into filters for drinking water (cans, triple and reverse osmosis systems) and filters for the whole house (main mechanical filters, softeners, iron removers and for other devices). Ecosoft also produces solutions for small and large businesses: from perfect water in a coffee shop to a water desalination plant.

As for household filters for drinking water, this year the budget line of reverse osmosis systems Standard and the premium solution P’URE take first place. Mainline filters, as well as compact systems of complex water purification and softening, are traditionally popular among household filters.