It completely eliminates the smell of chlorine and the yellow color of the water
Cleans water from chlorine and its toxic compounds, as well as from organic impurities that determine the color of water
Resource – 1.5 years without replacement
Depending on the quality of the source water
Simple maintenance
In case of any problem, the valve will inform you with a text message on the screen
Low operating costs
Minimal consumption of salt and electricity
The CT Ecosoft FPA 1252 filter is designed for the effective removal of organic substances and organic chlorine with high molecular weight, as well as the characteristic smell of chlorine, which is characteristic of tap water in most cases.
Active chlorine and its components effectively disinfect water, but at the same time, they are the cause of a number of problems with domestic water. High chlorine content leads to brittle hair and dry skin, and can also cause an allergic reaction. In the modern world, chlorinated water is associated with a characteristic unpleasant smell.
The most effective solution to the problem of chlorine in water are carbon filters, which effectively purify water and are widely used in various industries.
Eliminon plotësisht erën e klorit
Uji i pastër në çdo rubinet
Filtri është plotësisht i automatizuar, i heshtur
Punë e besueshme dhe efikase për 1.5 vjet*
Një sasi e vogël kullimi
Garancia e cilësisë e konfirmuar nga certifikatat ndërkombëtare CE dhe ISO
Activated carbon is an excellent sorbent with a large active surface, which in our everyday life is an integral attribute of any first aid kit. However, activated carbon is also widely used to remove various impurities in many industries. In the field of water treatment, coal is most often used to remove chlorine and its derivatives, as well as various organic impurities characteristic of surface waters.
The filter is connected to the cold water supply. Water previously purified from mechanical impurities enters the filter cabin filled with active carbon, which removes chlorine and its compounds, as well as organic substances. Purified water is supplied to the consumer through the central pipe of the outer layer.
When the source of filter material is exhausted, the filter itself goes into regeneration, but only during the period of minimum water consumption, so as not to leave you without access to purified water. During this, the water passes through the reverse flow filter at high speed, which cleans the surface of the coal, washing away all impurities, and is then discharged into the sewer. After that, the filter can be used again for water purification. Raw water is used for regeneration.
Thanks to the use of a multifunctional valve, the filter does not need constant attention. In case of any problems, the valve will inform you with a text message on the screen with an additional output of the contacts of the service center with which you should contact.
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