Membrane element FilmTec™ Aqualast™ 1812-HR



Article: 1812AQUALAST

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Membrane element FilmTec™ Aqualast™ 1812-HR

FILMTEC™ reverse osmosis membranes for drinking water are among the most reliable and high quality membrane elements.

The FilmTec™ Aqualast™ 1812-HR membrane element has protection against the formation of sediment on the surface and a high rate of particle removal, which allows to achieve maximum efficiency and element life for the treatment of hard water with a high salinity . the content. These characteristics are achieved through high selectivity, antifouling technology on the membrane sheet surface and element design embodied in the 1812 element configuration suitable for use in drinking water filters.

State-of-the-art technology and fully automated manufacturing enable Dow to achieve the exact parameters of every item produced. Membranes are shipped dry for ease and reliability of storage.

Tiparet kryesore

Water of ideal quality without risk to health

Reverse osmosis technology also blocks viruses and bacteria

12 liters of purified water per hour / 75 GPD

It has increased resistance to water with high hardness and salt content

Convenient transportation and reliable storage


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